Blog Find of The Year (2009 Challenge)

That gem of a blog you can't believe you didn't know about until this year.

This one. Okay, I didn't find it this year, but I did find it to be, this year, more of a blog for me than just the "all about the family" blog it started out to be.

Can I just interject here that I'm finding it hard to keep writing every day? Not only because I'm sometimes too busy to even pee, let alone sit down and write something witty, but also because I have a hard time pulling anything up from the depths of my soul to write about these topics we've been given. Not complaining; just noting.

So anyway... Guess what. It snowed here last night! I'm only at about 80 feet above sea level and it freakin' SNOWED!


1 comment:

april said...

wow. i'm so proud that you're sticking w/ this blog challenge.

you rock. and i suck apparently.